2024-2025 GGC Member Dues Notice
The GGC of DelMar is doing our part in conservation. We have been green for several years. To help us maintain this process, please ensure your email address is up-to-date. All communications, directory and Proceedings will be sent via email through the listserv and uploaded to the website. By accepting these items electronically, you are helping to keep cost down on activities for the Daughters of DelMar and helping the environment.
Fees for non-Life Members shall be $20.00 payable to the Grand Guardian Council of DelMar before June 30, 2024. After June 30th, members shall pay $40.00 to the GGC of DelMar.
Fees for Life-Members shall be half the dues cost of non-Life Members (currently it will be $10.00) payable to the Grand Guardian Council of DelMar before June 30, 2024. After June 30th, Life Members shall pay $20.00 to the GGC of DelMar.
GGC DUES SHEET - link to Paper copy
ElectRonic submission of Information - complete below and either pay with paypal or send a check.