Appeals and Grievances: Sandi Burch, David Spangler, Ken Bright

Finance: Jen Foster, Holly Spangler, Rich Thurfield

Jurisprudence: Theresa Regner, Emily Candler, Tiffany Holley, Samantha Goss, TBD

Publicity & Promotion: Jo Moran, Anne Masino, Jamie Locklear, Aimee Bright, John McLain, Alicia McLain

Scholarship: Heather Glushakow, Happy Estes-Butler, Ashley Griffin

Uniform Code: Cynthia Sirk, Patience Hein, Beth Griffin

Bonnie Blink Grandparents: Summer Neblett, Karen Woodring

CAV Administrator: Happy Estes-Butler

Choral & Talent Competition: Cynthia Sirk, Myra Milner, Jo Moran, Rich Thurfield

Church Service & Necrology: Patience Hein

Council Workshop: Anne Masino, Lewis Reynolds, Karen Woodring, Happy Estes-Butler, Tom Leone, Marsha Bright, Cindy O’Neill

Credentials: Brenda Harsenje, Kristene Prouty

Daughter Leadership: Amanda Nowland, Happy Estes-Butler, Cindy O’Neill, Tom Leone, Anne Masino, Lewis Reynolds, Karen Woodring, Kary Oliver, Patience Hein, Kristina De Los Reyes, Jason Hafer, Cathy Feyen, Guy Feyen

Degree of Royal Purple and Lily of the Valley Award: Heather Glushakow, Tiffany Holley, Mary Lou Walter, Aimee Bright

First Aid: Tom Leone

Fraternal Relations:

  • DeMolay - Paulo Santos

  • Daughter of the Nile - Karen Woodring

  • Masons - DE - Eric Stephens

  • Masons -MD - Tom Foster

  • OES DE - Prestina Crockett

  • OES MD - Shawn Garren

  • Rainbow - Amanda Nowland

  • Scottish Rite - Byrom Price

  • Shrine - Mark Hartz

  • Tall Cedars - Dave Spangler

  • York Rite - Les Hodgson

Grand Librarian’s Contest: Myra Milner, Beth Griffin, Brenda Harsanje, Patience Hein

Grand Session 2024: Chris Candler, Emily Candler, Sandi Burch, Jason Hafer, Brenda Harsanje, Summer Neblett, Caroline Woodring, Jen Foster

HIKE: Cathy Feyen (Coordinator); Daughter Rep: Miss Congo -, Amanda Nowland

Holiday Ball: Amanda Nowland, Karen Woodring, Kristina De Los Reyes

Jobie-to-Bee Program: Abigail Price; Daughter Rep: Miss Junior Jobie, Patience Hein, Tiffany Holley, Bethel Beekeepers

Locations: Cindy O’Neill, Anne Masino, Karen Woodring

Long Range Planning: Anne Masino, Lewis Reynolds, Cindy O’Neill, Tom Leone, Karen Woodring, Amanda Nowland, Jason Hafer

Low Vale: Grand Bethel Committee

Mayor’s Parade: Chris Candler

MJDDM Pageant:  Happy Estes-Butler, Ashley Griffin, Lacey Bell, Cynthia Sirk, Angela Tackett, Patience Hein

Mother Mick Tea: Alicia McLain, John McLain

Mystery Trip: Summer Neblett, Anne Masino

Planned Activities: Summer Neblett, Caroline Woodring, Grand Bethel

Proceedings: Happy Estes-Butler*, Beth Griffin, Ken Bright

Ritual Competition: T Regner, Happy Estes-Butler, Myra Milner, Anne Masino, Lewis Reynolds, Karen Woodring, Sandra Burch

Security: Tom Leone, Lewis Reynolds, Gordon Munholland, All Associate Bethel Guardians

Sickness & Distress: Happy Estes-Butler, Patience Hein

Spring Banquet: Alicia McLain, John McLain, Rich Thurfield

Supreme Ritual Team: Karen Woodring, Anne Masino, Amanda Nowland

Supreme Reception: Cathy Feyen, Karen Woodring, Guy Feyen

Ways & Means: Ashley Griffin, Lewis Reynolds, Cindy O’Neill, Tom Leone, Anne Masino, Karen Woodring, Jason Hafer, Amanda Nowland

Web Page/Social Media/Listserv: Kim Regner, Happy Estes-Butler, Cynthia Sirk

Denotes the committee Chair(s)